My story is straightforward: I was born and raised in Spain, went to college in France, and moved to Canada to marry the most beautiful woman in the world. There you go, that was easy!

Now, the complicated part is my relationship with myself and organized religion. I became a pastor in 1999 and immediately felt like it wasn’t for me. But I tried hard. So hard that I broke my brain. Literally.

I took six stress leaves during my twenty years as a pastor, ranging from two months to six months, until my mental health deeply deteriorated, and I got a permanent disability.

For the last four years, I have deconstructed my faith (meaning, I started asking lots of questions and doubted my most fundamental beliefs). Then, recently began to build it up again, one step at a time. My new goal is to love everyone I meet with no strings attached.

Oh, and I have to mention that I totally love Starbucks. Every morning, I spend a few hours sipping some coffee as I draw on my iPad and write articles for my publication, Empathy Cafe.

Speaking of publications, discovering Medium has been amazing. I’ve learned so much!

Love my articles? You can get me a coffee to keep my creativity flowing. Like, literally, I blog from Starbucks! lol

Editor of Empathy Cafe
Connect with Josué Sánchez
Josué Sánchez

Josué Sánchez

I rather be excluded for who I include, than included for who I exclude // co-founder of